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offer in business schools as a pre…a。。endance learning option。
。 Money Terms (h。。p://moneyterms。uk) is another website describing
a mass of financial terms; from abnormal return to zero coupon bond。
It also has a useful translator turning UK accounting and finance terms
from English into US English and vice versa。 So accountant bees
CPA; gearing translates as leverage and current account as checking
account。 As much of the teaching in business schools is still based on
US material; this is a helpful facility。
。 NetMBA (wwwmba): Contains prehensive information
on key concepts in accounting; economics; finance; management;
marketing; operations and statistics。 You can read online free; but paper
or electronic copies have to be bought at 1。75 for individuals and 3
for panies。
。 Nobel Prize (h。。p://nobelprize/nobel_prizes/economics/video_
interviews。html): In 1968; Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden’s central bank)
established this Prize in memory of Alfred Nobel; founder of the Nobel
Prize。 The first Prize in Economics was awarded to Ragnar Frisch and
Jan Tinbergen in 1969。 You can watch videos of interviews with most
of the laureates since 1987 on this website。 This will definitely put a
feather in an MBA’s cap!
。 ProvenModels (provenmodels): This site provides descriptions
of management models designed for use by a munity of MBA
graduates; executives; academic scholars and management consultants。
It is used by business schools and corporate universities; including
IMD; INSEAD and RSM Erasmus University; whose Vice…Dean is on
the board that vets content。
。 Rapid Business Improvement (rapidbi): This business provides
consultancy tools for consultants。 The site has free details of over
100 business models and tools; with information on what they do and
how to use them。
。 Reference For Business (referenceforbusiness): This is a
prehensive and easily accessible reference source for students
of business that want practical information that can be applied to
292 Appendix
their own organizations。 There are hundreds of articles that detail
information about financial planning; market analysis; sales; business
plans; tax planning and human resource issues。 Also provided are
in…depth business biographies with information on over 600 industry
leaders worldwide; from Bernard Arnault; chairman; chief executive
officer; Moét Hennessy Louis Vui。。on to Klaus Zumwinkel; chairman
and chief executive officer; Deutsche Post。 Details included cover
individuals’ biographical information; career paths; achievements;
leadership strategies and management styles。 There is an Encyclopaedia
of American Industries providing a prehensive guide to 460
manufacturing industries and over 500 non…manufacturing and service
industries as well as the outline histories of several hundred major
national and international panies。
。 SCORE (score/explore_score。html): This is a non…profit association
dedicated to educating US entrepreneurs and is a resource
partner with the US Small Business Administration (SBA)。 The site;
though useful; is less than easy to navigate。 This link takes you to
a page with details on the most useful areas for an MBA – ‘How to’
articles; business templates (spreadsheets for preparing accounting
reports; ratio analysis and break…even charts) and online workshops
and learning。
。 Stat Trek (h。。p://sta。。rek): Here you will find everything you need
to know about statistics; probability; and survey sampling。 The goal of
this website is to help you solve mon statistical problems – quickly;
easily; and accurately – without having to ask anyone for help and
in nearly all cases without any cost。 There are free statistics tutorials
covering the central ideas of basic statistics: probability; distributions;
sampling theory; estimation; hypothesis testing; and survey sampling –
all explained in plain English。 Analytical tools eliminate putational
drudgery。 Everything is online and easy to use。 Frequently asked questions
and sample exercises steer you clear of potential problems。 An
online statistics glossary takes the mystery out of statistical jargon。
There is a cost…effective survey sampling telling you what sample size
you need。 Will it provide the precision you require? Which sampling
method is best? Would a different design be cheaper or offer more
precision? This is one of the very few paid…for services provided by
purchasing a one…month Sample Planning Wizard licence for just 10。
。 StreetAuthority; LLC is a financial research publishing firm aimed at
private investors; giving them access to the ideas and insights of some
of the country’s top investment analysts and writers。 There are two free
resources well worth keeping in your ‘favourites’ file。 The Financial
Glossary (streetauthority 》 Education 》 Financial Glossary)
listing of financial terms should provide you with a handy reference
guide for those instances when you run into a term you don’t fully
Appendix 293
understand。 Industry Profiles (streetauthority 》 Education 》
Industry Profiles) offers the profiles of dozens of individual industries。
If you are interested in an industry’s history; present state or future
growth; this database lists the basic information on dozens of industries;
from aircra。。 to wineries。
。 The Management and Accounting Web (h。。p://maaw。info): This site is
developed and run by James R Martin; Professor Emeritus; University
of South Florida。 It is an ongoing project to systematically categorize
accounting literature from the past 100 years。 The site is freely accessible
to anyone on the web and is aimed at students; researchers and practitioners
interested in the eclectic field of management accounting。 It is
designed around 125 main topics accessed from the home page; the
main topics page; or the table of contents。 Each topic includes a main
page and an articles and books page that represents a bibliography for
that topic。 Many topics also include several other pages of summary
information; illustrations; links to other websites; and a list of questions
related to that topic。 The entire syllabus and teaching resources for a
Graduate Management Accounting Course is included on the site。
。 The Times (thetimes100。uk): This link is to The Times newspapers
resource centre for business studies students and teachers; containing
teaching materials including lesson plans; worksheets; practice
exams and mark schemes。 There is a link to some 50 case studies on UK
businesses from Aegon to Vodafone; with the option to download an
MP3 file of the material。
。 Tutor2U (h。。p://tutor2u): This is a publisher of e…learning resources
for economics; business; politics; enterprise; law; sociology and related
subjects; including accounting; marketing; production; management
and strategy; its materials are used by over 3;500 schools and colleges
in the UK and in educational institutions in over 85 other countries。
It offers a range of free and subscription…based materials; designed
to support teachers and educate students。 While the subject ma。。er
is aimed primarily at A Level students and undergraduates; there is
plenty of material of interest to an MBA。 The strategy revision notes
cover all the key tools and concepts; accounting is prehensively
covered; including less mon areas; from absorption costing to
window dressing。 The site also has hundreds of short multiple…choice
quizzes on business topics such as the marketing mix; accounting ratios
and economics。 The questions are jumbled; so each time you take a test
the questions may be different。
。 Value Based Management (valuebasedmanagement):
Value Based Management is a management portal specifically
aimed at the information needs of senior executives; providing learning
materials explaining management methods; models and theories on
strategy; performance; finance; valuation; change; corporate governance;
294 Appendix
munication; marketing; leadership and responsibility; with links
to additional resources in the field。 Over 200 business models; from
Ansoff to value chain; are described in sufficient detail to be able to
apply them。 There is also a management dictionary (12manage。
/management_dictionary。html) containing definitions of 1;500
management terms or phrases that an MBA would be expected to
。 Web…enabled scientific services & applications (wessa): This
site provides free statistics and forecasting so。。ware; including Univariate
Box–Jenkins ARIMA modelling; forecasting; and various bootstrap
simulation methods for the estimation of financial profit density
functions according to the following strategies: Buy&Hold; Alexander’s
Filterrule; truncated Koyck lag…based MACD。 Various types of time
series analysis tools are available: (partial) auto correlation function;
spectral analysis; variance reduction matrix; standard deviation…mean
plot; trimmed skewness & kurtosis; suspended rootogram displays;
percentiles; concentration; histograms; forward & backward running
autocorrelation; ARMA parameter estimation; and much more。 Most
MBAs will vaguely know that such techniques exist and if you have a
statistics department in your organization; checking out this site might
help you earn brownie points!
。 WISE (h。。p://wise。cgu。edu): Web Interface for Statistics Education;
funded by Claremont Graduate University; California; provides easy
entry to internet resources that can be used in support of statistics education
and applications。 The site includes interactive statistics tutorials
and answers to questions as well as being a jump…off point for connecting
to other resources for statistics on the internet。
MBAs are expected to know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING! Not
an easy task; but with the sources below it should be possible to keep
informed about most key business issues。 For example; you can find out in
which country it takes the longest to set up a new business (Sierra Leone
– 1;075 days); where investors are best protected (New Zealand) or where it
is hardest to fire employees (Venezuela)。 The fastest…growing economy; the
best for quality of life; how much pay you should ask for if you are offered
a job in the Kyrgyz Republic and how many panies make knitwear in
Spain and how profitable they are; are all questions that can be answered in
a few mouse clicks; and knowing the answers is what makes an MBA really
stand out from the crowd:
Appendix 295
。 Applegate (applegate。uk) has information on 237;165 panies
cross…referenced to 57;089 products in the UK and Ireland。 It has a
neat facility that allows you to search out the top businesses and people
in any industry。
。 Blog Directories: The information on blogs is more straw in the wind
than fact。 Globe of Blogs (globeo。。logs); launched in 2002;
claims to be the first prehensive world weblog directory。 It links up
to over 58;100 blogs; searchable by country; topic and about any other
criteria you care to name。 Google (h。。p://blogsearch。google) is also
a search engine to the world’s blogs。
。 The British Library Business Information Service (bl。uk/services/
information/business。html) holds one of the most prehensive
collections of business information in the UK。
。 The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook (cia。gov/
cia/publications/factbook): This link will take you straight to the latest
edition of the Factbook。 The CIA keeps the Factbook up to date on a
regular basis throughout the year; so you can be reasonably confident
of having the most current information to hand。 From the Factbook you
are offered a pull…down bar in the top le。。 of the screen; which allows
you to select anyone of the 233 countries or regions。 For each country
there is around half a dozen pages of A4 of basic economic; political
and demographic information on each country; as well as information
on political disputes that may cause problems in the future。
。 Chambers of merce (chamberonline。uk 》 International
Trade 》 International Chambers) run import/export clubs; international
trade contacts and provide market research and online intelligence
through a 150…country local network of chambers。 Their Link2Exports
(link2exports。uk) website provides specific information on
export markets by industry sector by country。
。 panies House (wwwpanieshouse。gov。uk) is the official repository
of all pany information in the UK。 Its WebCHeck service
offers a free…of…charge searchable pany Names and Address Index
covering 2 million panies either by name or unique pany
registration number。
。 Corporate Information (corporateinformation 》 TOOLS 》
Research Links) is a business information site covering the main world
economies; offering plenty of free information。 This link takes you to
sources of business information in over 100 countries。
。 Doing Business (doingbusiness): This is the World Bank’s
database that provides objective measures of business regulations
across 178 countries。 You can find out everything; from the rules on
opening and closing a business to tax rates; employment laws; invest